Choices: what’s yours?

The way I see it, and correct me if I’m wrong, you always have 2 choices (if not, more). The left or the right turn?

You can choose to be grateful for the things you have or complain about not having enough.
You can choose to be happy for the people around you or complain about the human crowd. (Think post-apocalypse movies)
You can choose to look at the little things or complain about the everything that goes wrong.
You can choose to be caring and sharing, in terms of money, space, time, etc, or be a Scrooge (even he changes after a series of visits from the ghosts).
You can choose to smile or show a sulky frown.
You can choose to listen to others’ negativity or those that actually help you up.

I could go on but you probably get the picture, so I’ll stop for now. Never forget you have a choice to be happy.

Be kind to one another 🙂 x


So, I lost my house key yesterday…

On my newly “daily” evening runs (yes, I’d say I’m proud of myself for dragging my butt out for a good workout after exhausted days due to work), I lost my house key on the way. I just put it inside my phone cover (those rubber ones), and only realized that it had slipped out of the opening at the bottom.

Now, bare with me. It’s just funny…? I guess? Probably?

Upon realizing once I finished my run, I was pretty devastated I couldn’t take the short cut home but to retrace my whole path, scanning the floor like a robot for any sign of the key. It was quite funny, with my brain being torn up in two sides: Side A – Give it up cos you’re never gonna find it in darkness, Side B – There’s still a 50/50 chance you can find it till you reach home.
It was amusing actually talking to myself, which happens more than I like it to. It’s a battle of the fittest within my mind. Who needs the debate team? I have an in-built one!

Walking home with my head down, scanning like an electro magnetic force, waiting for a beep-beep-beep sound…all the way home. Did I find it? No. But it got me to think how can people look down for so long? How can people be so pessimistic about life? Sure, we have ups and downs, but if you actually look up instead of trying to find something that may or may not exist (anymore), you’d be shocked to see the possibilities of things that COULD and SHOULD happen.

I felt like I was growing older by 10 years keeping my head down for that 40 min walk home, mainly because I love looking at the stars and things around.

Gotta keep your head up, oh-oh!

Be kind to one another 🙂 x


Even the strongest needs a break.

I won’t deny the fact that despite how strong I think I am, there are and will be times that I’d break down, think about the past and asks questions like “what if…?” We’re all been through that. It’s one of the reasons why I keep stressing on looking past the cover of people, and stop judging.

For those who are still thinking about their exes, or underwent a recent breakup…be strong. One of the quotes that I always keep in mind when I start missing my ex is from Eat, Pray, Love. It goes something like this (not word for word cos I just remember the gist of it), “It’s ok to miss him/ her. Embrace the feeling when it arises. Miss him/ her, smile about the good times you had, and then, move on. And every time that feeling comes up, embrace it. There’s no fault in that. Remember the hurt too and why it ended, and move on.”
Well, that’s the gist of it…I added a few things to it too. Hah! I’m just going with the flow.

Moral of my story: it’s ok to feel shitty, it’s ok to cry, it’s ok to be angry BUT just don’t let it run your life.
Let happiness and positive vibes in.
We are all humans. We make mistakes. What sets us apart is that we have the ability to learn from it. Never stop learning. And smiling, cos well, nothing is more sexier than someone with a genuine smile.

Be kind to one another 🙂 x


Blues for the Monday.

Everyone goes through it, sometimes more than 1 day per week. Yup, even me. But how you change your perspective is all it takes. It can be tough, it will be tough – but don’t let those inner demons get the best of you. You’re stronger than that.

Try this small, but proven trick. Every morning, no matter how good or bad you slept, smile. Smile even when there’s nothing to smile about (obviously, there are and will always be reasons to smile but excuse the morning brain). Smile because you get to live and love for one more day. Say a prayer to thank God or the universe for giving you this day.

It will be tough for the first few days, but isn’t everything? Does that mean we ought to quit when the going gets tough, or do the tough get going? Which would you rather be?

Or you can go to 365grateful.com for another trick. It makes a wonderful present too!

Another alternative, is of course, to write down the simple things that make you happy in your organizer/ calendar/ journal.

You can do it. You know you can, and I know you can too.

Be kind to one another 🙂 x


Happiness is a state of mind, not what studies say.

Studies show that those who have breakfast before work are more happier.
Studies show that those who exercise at least 30 mins a day are more happier.

I’m sure you’ve seen such study statements more than once. No doubt majority, if not all, are important for sustainability but what the studies don’t say is that happiness is a state of mind and a choice.
Yes, you’ve read right. Happiness is a choice. Your choice. I’ve met people who are the healthiest of the lot, but they don’t know how to be happy. I’ve met people who have everything in their lives, but they’re not happy. On the other hand, I’ve met people who have just enough to nothing, and they’re the happiest of the lot.

So why are those that have everything afraid of being happy? Is it because we have a lot to lose? Oh puh-lease, as if happiness is gonna steal that away. It doesn’t care about the kind of car you drive, how much you have in your savings, what kind of house you live in or what brands you buy. Geez.

Happiness is a choice. Your choice. It’s a state of mind. You have the choice to be happy with what you have or forever be chasing the new “IT” thing. Blame it on the media. Advertisements showing new cars, phones, houses, etc, have created that brainwash factor to us. Brainwashing us to think that what we have is not enough. And even as much as we say we have control of our minds – think carefully. Do you, really? Don’t you have that thought at the back of your head whenever you see an ad for something new , “Oh, I gotta get that!” Gotcha.

I’m as much of a human brainwashed like you. That’s why I’ve cut down on how much media I absorb. And constantly asking myself whenever I feel brainwashed, “Do I really need that? How is it gonna make me happy? Isn’t the current one I have still working fine?”

So, whenever you feel like you can’t be happy about anything in life – I urge you to please look at your life, what you’ve accomplished, the luxuries you have, the friends and family that surround you constantly, the love you have. If you can’t find it still, go take a holiday. Find a new perspective. Your life isn’t as sad as you think it is. Change it if it is.

The basic thing needed for happiness is love. Without love, men cannot live. You can everything in life but without love, you’ve not accomplished anything.

Be kind to one another 🙂 x