The Definition Of: Life?

This thought has been constantly bugging me lately. 

A child is born into the world as a free spirit with tons of different paths to take. We, as parents or guardians, nurture and teach them. As they grow older, we feed them with our beliefs and dreams. From school to work, they are expected to become adults in almost a blink of an eye. Nobody told us this is how life ends up like, whether or not we like it. Responsibilities are slowly dumped on us by society’s standards. What started as a sweet journey mostly ends up in a fight of survival with finances and expectations. 

Who set this path? Were we all suppose to end up this way? 

It saddens me more when we have become a people who is so afraid to smile to strangers. The world has become so hostile. Perhaps it’s because I’m living in the city and living standards are high. 

My mind has become a big ball of blur now. This routine-like life is taking a toll on me. 

Am I alone? 

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